
The odd one … IN! is a two year project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It has started on September 2017. It is focused on diversity and emotional awareness.

Diversity is evident in every aspect of school life in all countries. Children and young people find difficult to deal with the different. It is because they have limited experiences and tend to have a suspicious attitude towards and even reject anything that does not seem to fit in their small world. Although there has been a great progress to protect minorities, several researches carried out in EU seem to conclude that people are still biased when it comes to race, gender, economic and social status and so on. It is therefore our main objective to help our pupils develop a more analytic and critical thinking towards people that stand out in one or another way.

We will try a new approach to teaching diversity. The innovation will be applied on the fact that the focus will not be the stranger, for example refugees, but our attitude towards anything different. Our intention is to teach children through activities how to face different as a whole. In other words, making the “odd” more familiar by information provided is not a lasting solution. Stating a method to approach the “odd” in general is.